Enable partners with Silver Lining Marketing to help retool your messaging and your workforce

Last week hundreds of thousands of valued workers in Ontario needed to change the way they worked and, in many cases, received new job mandates.

Your employees likely need, or will need, to take on different roles, in different places and they will need quick and effective training to be successful – avoiding burnout and attrition.

Enable Education has partnered with Silver Lining Marketing, an Oakville-based marketing firm, to bring quick business solutions for the COVID-19 crisis.

Collectively, our teams of global experts in virtual training and communications have successfully navigated through SARS and Ebola outbreaks, as well as the social and financial impact of 911.  We know what it takes to keep your business running during a crisis and emerge stronger than ever.

Silver Lining and Enable Education can help you re-tool your workforce in the areas of:

  1. Quick and efficient Health & Safety training so your employees stay safe and productive.
  2. Creation of reputation management and CSR video messaging that is both sensitive and brand building.
  3. Call centre support that will give your front-line staff support and guidance so they can leave your customers feeling well served. Customers always remember how you made them feel – especially during times of crisis.
  4. New sales toolsthat allow you to package your products and services in a new light to better support the needs of businesses and consumers during the COVID-19 Outbreak.
  5. Training tactics that keep your employeesresilient during stressful professional and personal times.
  6. Video Messaging from the CEO and key Executives that is well crafted through live,online coaching, and well written by reputation management experts. We have in home video kits that will allow your C-Suite executives to broadcast their critical leadership messages cost effectively.
  7. Help to provide compelling and concise support for your clients. We are experts in creating consumer-facing marketing communication materials that break through, and are instantly credible so your clients understand how you can support them differently during these unprecedented changes to the business environment. We avoid jargon, and can package your value proposition clearly and succinctly, while also being sensitive and appropriate during these challenging and changing times.


We’re looking to provide you with immediate support. Contact Ben Zimmer @ 905-699-0695, ben@enableeducation.com.

Based out of Country Heritage Park in Milton, Enable Education (www.enableeducation.com) supports clients of all sizes to produce scalable learning solutions that drive results, leveraging learning experience design, video production and online technologies.

Silver Lining Marketing (www.silverliningmarketing.cais led by Alexandra Blum (https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexandra-blum-a0bba8149), former VP – Global Communications of Fairmont Hotels. SLM builds strategies and solutions for clients of the likes of adidas, Swiss Chalet, Reebok, Pfaff, Four Seasons, and many others.