Making Canada Truly Accessible and Inclusive

Each year Chambers across the country gather at the Canadian Chamber of Commerce Conference to learn from each other and to determine what resolutions the Canadian Chamber will champion in the coming year.

The resolutions are brought forth from local Chambers across the country. The resolutions deal with items of national importance from Federal Fiscal Policy to Fair Tax Process for Small Business and Employee Mental Health.  All resolutions are voted on and recommendations are made whether to amend them, pass them or not to support them.

The Milton Chamber of Commerce is pleased to report that the resolution we presented this year, was passed unanimously by all Provincial and Territorial Chambers.

The resolution aims to make Canada truly accessible and inclusive by asking the Federal Government:

  1. (To) examine adopting Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility CertificationTM (RHFAC) to operate as a voluntary complement to the accessibility requirements of the National Building Code guideline B-651-12.
  2. Conduct a baseline rating of all buildings they manage directly or have jurisdiction over (e.g. Crown corporations) with an aim to certifying as many as possible.
  3. Work in partnership with the provincial, territorial, municipal and indigenous governments as well as the private sector to support the national scale-up of Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility CertificationTM.